This site has a fantastic set of databases which are both realistic and vast in size which make it a great place to work on querys if you want to simulate a production environment.

There was always enough questions to test my knowledge of SQL and questions that really challenged me, questions ill have to come back to some day. Not just the hard questions but I can come back to do any questions I feel I need to be refreshed on.

Learning many new functions such as COALESCE, XOR, WHERE IN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, ALL.


When I was wrong or struggling with a query there was very little to no support provided by the site, you either know it or you don’t. There was a reference table provided for functions but proved to be of little to no use when tackling the ‘harder questions’. The harder questions required a tremendous amount of focus, intuition and patience.

Also the site is quite bland and has a cold atmosphere whereas with Khan academy I could have more fun learning and be corrected accordingly where I was out of line.


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